Homepage for an ICQ Based Chat Forum
UPDATED 02/04/2002

this award was given to me by Brandi Valentine, click on it to visit her web page

You are the

person to visit since 13 September 1997

...unless this wacky counter has reset itself AGAIN

I'm sure that most of y'all have noticed by now that I'm ADHD. I'm going to try to start hosting chat again weekly on Thursday evenings, about 6 p.m. Pacific time (that's 9 eastern). However, I'm taking microbiology this semester which is keeping me ultra busy with homework

This website is in need of a major overhaul, and I've not yet had time to do it. If you've written to me asking to be added to the ICQ pages here and I've not gotten to it yet, it's not becuase I've forgotten you... it's my terminal wiffle-head again.

If you're looking for other ADDers to chat with, and the room is not online, wander over to ADD at About.com for chat, The ADD Chat House at add.about.com
The ICQ UIN for the chat account is 2975573. Feel free to add it to your ICQ contact list.

When I started the ADDults with ADD/ADHD Chat it was my hope eventually enough people would be interested in "hosting" the ICQ account on their computer once in a while... and that eventually the chat room would power itself that way.

I am still looking for (and in need of!) people interested in opening the chat from time to time. It dosn't have to be a regular thing... If you think you might be interested in doing this PLEASE let me know.

We have a message board! you can come visit it at

The ADD Message Mess Pile (7/30/02 link updated!)

I found this board easy to use, as you scroll down you'll notice that there are categories on the right to help keep the messes in tidy little piles. Brandi Valentine will be co-hosting this board with me, and Dr. Gabor Mate, author of Scattered: How Attention Deficit Disorder Originates and What You Can Do About It, has joined us and sometimes participates in discussions.

My favorite thing about delphi message boards is that it will notify you by e-mail if someone posts a response to a message you have posted. So come by, register, and yack a bit. There is also an attached chat room, feel free to use it as an alternative to ICQ for chatting!

I will be moderating this board, but y'all know that I'm about as organized as a drawer of mis-matched socks so I ask that we keep posts free of anything you wouldn't want a teenager to read.

Looking for great articles on living with ADD? visit Bob Seay's Home Page You might know Bob from add.about.com, where he used to be the ADD Guide. He's no longer with about.com, but he is still writing these great articles. Check it out!

College is hard work and sometimes getting ahold of my Voc Rehab counselor is hard work too *sigh*. But I am greatful for the assistance I'm getting through this state funded program.

If you are looking for information on applying for SSI/SSDI for yourself or your child, visit ADHD News Social Security to read the information that Brandi Valentine has posted there. It was through her sharing of information and the assistance of an advocate from the Dayle McIntosh Center for the Disabled (in Anaheim, CA) that I belive that I was able to make my first application a success. ADDflower

This Website Approved by BOB The Cow

Current Status of the &AdultADD/ADHDchat ICQ chat room...

Adult AD/HD Chat Group Members ICQ Status
come see our newest page where you can locate other ADD/ADHD Adults that are ICQ users.

updated March 7, 1999

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...and some official information from ICQ Support...
Official ICQ site on user created rumors
Official ICQ statements and information on circulating chain letters

Please add us to your ICQ contact list so that you will know when we are online for non-scheduled chats.
If you would like to host a SCHEDULED chat in the ICQ room please e-mail me at ADDflower or WonderMess my partner in getting this going, she'll try to help. (Put "ADDflower Chat" in the subject line)

We use ICQ (I seek you) to meet and chat with each other. To learn more about ICQ and download the free software visit their site at www.icq.com. It's a very easy and cute little program that lets you communicate in real time, develop "contact lists" of friends and send messages. You can set it up to alert you to when we are online once you have it installed, see the ICQ information panel toward the bottom of this page for our "pager" numbers to add us to your contact list.
Our chat is for all ADDers, the only rule that will be enforced in chat sessions is "BE NICE", nothing that is abusive to other members of the chat will be tolerated. Otherwise, we are open to all topics, as our ADD minds like to skip from subject to subject...
We look foward to meeting you soon.

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I am accepting submissions to post on a new page that I am working on. I want this to be YOUR space. I will accept anything that is suitable for all audiences, is original work, and has something, somehow, to do with ADD. Don't be shy, everything that meets those requirements will find it's way onto the page... I promise. Also if you would like to post a request for information or anything that you think others might be able to help you with I would be happy to post it.

E-Mail me!


What hopes to be an AWESOME pages of links to other ADDers homepages... I've bairly begun!
Other ADDers Pages

Click on the graphic to vote for this
page as a Starting Point Hot Site

Come see our LINKS PAGE

It's growing! Check it out and send us your suggestions, thoughts, ideas,
odd shoes, where you found that missing book.....


Chat Room's Information:
  NAME:   addflowers adult add/adhd chat
  CATEGORY:   Adult health related
  DESCRIPTION:   a forum for adults with add/adhd
  ICQ#:   ICQ # 2975573
ChatMaster's Information:
  NICK NAME:   Addflower
  REAL NAME:   Ami
  E-MAIL:   addflowers
  ASSOCIATED LIST:   WonderMess ICQ # is 2384027

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You can ICQ-Page the owner of this web page as well as other users or you can EmailExpress him right from here with no additional software. Your message will be instantly delivered. If the user is online, the message will popup on his screen if he is offline it will be stored and forwarded to him as soon as he connects to the internet. Installing the ICQ client will enable you to know if your peers are online and communicate directly with them, join chat rooms and receive ICQ paging and EmailExpress directly to your screen.

Use of the Communication Panel is subject to the Terms and Conditions

At present I am working on a list of resource pages that will offer support and insight in dealing with ADD/ADHD.

My goal is to have a place to share experiences, ideas, knowledge, personal stories and other info.

If you have questions about ADD/ADHD please page me via ICQ or email me Addflowers

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